Monday, October 09, 2006

Kam ei buy that one?

Many moons ago, food was collected during the warmer months of the year. Hell, they didn´t even had months back then.
At winter the tribe got together in their caves, talked about last week (?) when they invented fire and showed eachother their nuts (the food ones) and fruits. Today you meet in your cosy garage to show your friends what you have collected at swapmeets and carbootsales during the seasons.

A couple of weeks ago I bought this "Kamei" piece for my type 3. It was in really nice condition and at dkk. 150,- it was not the end of the world. I love pickin´up things that I can put in one of the cars right away. All though it is also kind of nice to have a small stash of nice items for a future project.

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