Sunday, May 23, 2010

The panelvan - please vote...

I am currently refurbishing these old Cosmics alloys. I bought them because i think the price was right and I needed a little project (as if I was running out of things to do).
Im considering putting them on my panelvan instead of the 17" wheels. What do you think? Should I save them for the ghia, the splitbug or maybe even the fastback? Please vote in the sidebar.


Kasper Mælkeskæg said...

Cosmic love for the panelvan.. ;) No war for heavy metal!!

jpveedubin said...

Awesome Cosmic's, I've got a friend with a set on his 914, Got a really good offset and sit really tucked in, so no need for narrowing the beam!! well worth restoring!!!

Gustav_t said...

Hey Jon

We are coming to the UK this sommer in the panelvan. Is your driveway free for camping guests?