Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The usual suspects

In a world of Nigeria letters, trick thieves and people being robbed in their own homes this was bound to happen! A gang of smooth operators have specialized in taking advantage of weak individuals of the danish vw-scene. They are believed to be of eastern european origin. Investigators are led to this fact by the 90-style wardrobe of the suspects and the look of their crime-hardened faces. The name of the picture-file, found on an underground website, "BOHLAS" is probably a message in balkan not to mess with them. Beware of this gang if you are in the market for "Forkæler-parts" and the price seem to good to be true! The man with the hockey stick could be the elusive "Kaffe-Carsten" a master of disguise and roothless rim-polisher. Rim polishing is a rectum torture method, that is just as painfull as it sounds.


Anonymous said...

Wonder if the rabbit called "Gert" still exist???

"Turbovej ikke fjernt"


Griebel said...

HÆ !!! :) :)

"Men ikke for børn,kun et åndeløst pusterum.For en rigtig folkevognen"