Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Coming home, I hope so anyway

Today the battlescared Ghia is due to arrive on these shores. At least I'm told so. In the next few days the panel beater is going to pass verdict on my Devil girl. I knew she was bad news when I heard she was red. When I met her the first time I had to be with her even though she had to be a maneater. Of eastern european origin she was more exciting than the other girls. Long leggy lines and nail-red paint was a sure trick to lure me. Maybe she was a secret agent with a mission to get pictures of strange vw parts on microfilm. Maybe the guy on the moped was a hitman reacting to a contract put on her lovely gloss black head? Oh I can't wait to be with her again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend! You and your G are the perfect match... So keep smiling and see you soon : )